Scrappy Baskets Quilt Pattern Giveaway! Making half square triangles from scraps. | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Scrappy Baskets Quilt Pattern Giveaway! Making half square triangles from scraps.

May 21, 2021 92 Comments

Scrappy Baskets Quilt Pattern Giveaway! Making half square triangles from scraps.

Giveaway !!! Scrappy baskets Quilt Pattern, read more below about how to enter.

Many times I end up with scrap pieces that have already been cut into triangles or have a 45 degree cut on the end of a strip that is not useful for anything else. I gather these pieces up and keep them together, sort them into piles of light and dark, not by colour.

I don't try to cut them into any particular size, I just leave them as they are. I pair light and dark triangles with right sides together in the usual way, pairing the sizes as closely as possible, then sew with a 1/4 inch seam along the long side of the triangle. 

Press the seams open or to the side depending on what your preference is, and trim to the size that suits. I go as small as 1 1/2 inches. They are the cutest, and its amazing what you can make from them. For the scrappy baskets quilt the HST as bigger so don't be afraid if you don't like small pieces.

Half square triangles from scraps | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Here is what my machine looks like while I am stitching, it may look like a bit of a mess, but its organized chaos lol !

Half square triangles from scraps | Sharon Keightley Quilts

I store them in zip lock bags, then pull them all out and start stitching.

Half square triangles from scraps | Sharon Keightley Quilts

A better look at the kind of triangles that I have to work with, these are leftover from another quilt, all different sizes, but all light in print to me.

Half square triangles from scraps | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Some of my dark pile off to the right while I stitch the pairs.

Its such a fun thing to do and very therapeutic, just put some music on and sew sew sew.

These scrappy triangles work so well with quilts like my scrappy baskets quilt.

Scrappy basket quilt | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Of course Benny the cat had to be in the photo.

Scrappy basket quilt | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Scrappy basket quilt | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Scrappy basket quilt | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Scrappy basket quilt | Sharon Keightley Quilts

I  hope you give it a try, and use up all those precious scraps. They make fantastic quilts.

Leave a comment telling how you use your scraps to go into the draw to win the giveaway Scrappy baskets quilt PDF pattern. The draw will be done on the 28th May 2021 so don't forget to comment, I am looking forward to reading them all.

Happy Stitching


Please share this post with your quilting friends, the more the merrier as they say.

Keep up with all the posts via the Sharon Keightley Facebook page and group page. Instagram @sharonkeightleyquilts and the Newsletter will give updates of all blog posts.

Sharon Keightley Quitls  Autumn Bouquet Book | Sharon Keightley Quilts

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Sharon Keightley Quilts


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92 Responses

Mary Kastner
Mary Kastner

May 25, 2021

You are inspiring me to do something with two large plastic bags full of fabric scraps that I couldn’t bear to throw away. I am going to pull a batch and make a plan for what size patches to make. Thanks , Mary

Carmen N
Carmen N

May 25, 2021

I also save my scraps of various sizes, sew together and trim. Then the fun begins mostly making miniature quilts. Scrappy quilts are just the best!


May 24, 2021

The basket quilt is so beautiful. Love to find scrappy patterns to use all my repo fabric leftovers. Thank you for organising the pattern giveaway.

Sue Huettl
Sue Huettl

May 24, 2021

I recently started your Vintage Crosses quilt using scraps for the cross blocks. It is really satisfying to use the leftovers from other projects. I have a bunch of triangles that would work great in this quilt, time to start getting them ready to stitch together.

Ottelina Corbett
Ottelina Corbett

May 23, 2021

Love your patterns, have made two and like this pattern.

Paula Morrow
Paula Morrow

May 23, 2021

I love the look of your Scrappy Baskets quilt! The colors you use are beautiful. I use my scraps as starters and enders when sewing and end up with a stack of new blocks to put together in a future quilt as you do.

Barb Dwyer
Barb Dwyer

May 23, 2021

This gives me the warm fuzzies to know others do this with their left over project fabrics as well…working in the same fabric genre means I have so many HST that work in lots of projects….and of course the scrappier the better for me
Happy Scrapping

Crystal Knight
Crystal Knight

May 23, 2021

I use my fabric scraps to make log cabin blocks and other scrappy blocks. Also, I fill pin cushions with the very small scraps instead of throwing them away. I love your scrappy flower baskets.


May 23, 2021

Sharon thanks for sharing! The basket quilt is lovely and the quilting makes it delightful’. I also save & sort my Hst’s & triangles & smaller squares in baggies & plastic containers along with some leftover narrow pieces of fabric strips I love baskets of all kinds This would be a wonderful pattern to work on thanks so much for sharing!

Pat N
Pat N

May 23, 2021

Lately I have been building new fabric slabs using my smallest crumb-sized scraps sorted into color families. My plan is to build enough to make a rainbow collection of fabric bins. It’s intuitive, creative and such fun!


May 23, 2021

Oh by the way, I am finally quilting the blueberry patch I ordered from you last year! Beautiful pattern!


May 23, 2021

This is a lovely quilt! I have been looking for a scrappy basket pattern to incorporate my calico “wedding”dress into (we eloped 45 years ago, The calico has tiny, brightly colored flowers that pop against a black background; perfect for the base of the baskets! Thank you for sharing the triangle construction tips. I never throw out unused triangles, but couldn’t figure out how to combine the different sizes into a scrap quilt. This is great!

Cynthia Croll
Cynthia Croll

May 23, 2021

What a wonderful idea, to do baskets. Currently I make tiny thimbles for hand sewing and tiny 9 patches as leaders and enders..

Lynn Capper
Lynn Capper

May 23, 2021

What a beautiful quilt! I love the colours, your creations are amazing!

Rhonda Desgranges
Rhonda Desgranges

May 23, 2021

Love your scrappy basket quilt. Thanks for the chance to win!

Donna Smith
Donna Smith

May 23, 2021

Those baskets are super cute. I do love seeing scrappy quilts. You sure have beautiful quilt Sharon. I have a few I am still working on 😊

Jill Davies
Jill Davies

May 23, 2021

What a beautiful quilt you made from scraps. I usually use my scraps for doing applique quilts but lately have been making quilts that have cut off triangles and by sewing an extra seam, I end up with a heap of HST’s. Now I know what I can do with them. Thanks.

Jan Smith
Jan Smith

May 23, 2021

I love the scrappiness of your basket quilt and the use of striped sashing and binding. I have used striped sashing before and it gives a scrappy quilt an old look I think. Good job. I too save all those triangles!

Becky Hooper
Becky Hooper

May 23, 2021

Scrappy quilts and half square triangle are my favorite, but I do struggle to “let go” and allow the process to be more random. I tend to do too much matching which slows the process.

Susan Collier
Susan Collier

May 23, 2021

I am going to borrow this idea from another quilter. I am making a couple of lap size quilts to give away at our family reunion this July. Everyone who attends can put their name in the hat to try to win a quilt.

Nichola Spoerl
Nichola Spoerl

May 23, 2021

This is a good quilt for all of my scraps.

Bonnie Larson
Bonnie Larson

May 23, 2021

I take all my scraps and cut them into usable sized strips and pieces and sort by colour. When I start a new project, I go to these first and then fill in with yardage. Thanks for the opportunity on winning this pattern. It looks like fun!!

Diane VanEgmond
Diane VanEgmond

May 23, 2021

Half square triangles are in zip locks by color. I’ve made a few pin cushions and a potholder. I love your fabric choices and have been adventuring out with larger print neutral backgrounds -spa basket quilt would be beautiful just like your project – and I love the “mess” by your sewing machine – looks fun ‘

Karen Martin
Karen Martin

May 23, 2021

I keep my triangle bits in a basket near my machine and use them as leaders and enders. There are zillions of them sewn, but it will take weeks to square them all up to one size—lol!

Kathleen M Quinn
Kathleen M Quinn

May 23, 2021

I have been saving my scraps and sort by sizes. Border and strips in various widths, layer cakes (10" blocks), Charm packs (5" blocks), Mini Charm packs (2 1/2" blocks), and smaller scraps would be used for applique projects. I have used some of the scraps to make scrappy quilts or for charity quilts for our church quilt ministry’s group projects. Never know when you will need them. Anything bigger than a fat quarter are saved for bigger projects and are sorted by colors.

Tonya Ann Reichard
Tonya Ann Reichard

May 23, 2021

I love how that quilt looks. I have varying sizes of scraps to use up and this would be perfect!

elizabeth a hinze
elizabeth a hinze

May 23, 2021

Right now I’m making tulips our of scraps

Colleen Misner
Colleen Misner

May 23, 2021

I find your blog very inspiring and would love to make a scrappy baskets quilt. Goodness knows, I certainly have enough scraps!


May 23, 2021

Sharon, I love that scrappy quilt. You make everything look so easy too. We have finally moved into our new sunny home but still sorting out my work room. I’ve had to send a lot of fabrics off to the Hospice Op Shop as I had so much in storage. I appreciate all the time you gave me teaching me to quilt (and you have such a TIDY work space) but so much has been happening since Mike’s heart attack and more recently my mastectomy that I’ve just carried on doing my regular sewing, which I don’t have to concentrate too hard on. Just wanted to connect and say Hi and how much I enjoy following your blogs. Love your book, even though I’m still not quilting. Reminds me of your lovely peaceful country setting.
Warm regards

Marty Askins
Marty Askins

May 23, 2021

I use them to make scrappy quilts, then I donate them to the Shriner’s Hospital for the kids to have one of their own.

Linda Allen
Linda Allen

May 23, 2021

Beautiful quilt!!!!
Would love the pattern.

Sherry Bobak
Sherry Bobak

May 23, 2021

I love baskets and I love scrappy. I just wish that I had enough scraps to make scrappy quilts. Your quilt is beautiful!

Noelene Winter
Noelene Winter

May 23, 2021

Good morning Sharon,
I have been saving them for a long time always going to do something with the small HST, lol I have a container full all sewn ready to use….I just love your beautiful quilts.
Noelene. 🧵🧵🪡🪡

Nancy Nehez
Nancy Nehez

May 23, 2021

Beautiful fabrics and pattern!


May 23, 2021

I’ve been saving my scraps for just this kind of project! I love your baskets, and the colors you’ve used in them.

Rachelle May Edlington
Rachelle May Edlington

May 23, 2021

What a fantastic idea to use up half square triangles. I would love this pattern to make a quilt using up my stash of half square triangles too.

Judith A Purvis
Judith A Purvis

May 23, 2021

I make my scraps into triangles for half square triangles as many quilts use half square triangles. I love scrappy quilts!!

Donna Wells
Donna Wells

May 23, 2021

Love scrappy (organized) quilts!

Sandy Hobbs
Sandy Hobbs

May 23, 2021

What a great idea, Sharon! Haha! I don’t throw away any of my scraps. I sort them by colour and keep them in big clear bags, or plastic boxes. I use them to make hexies or squares for future projects. I even have people giving me their leftover scraps. I keep the smallest pieces for applique, it’s amazing what tiny pieces you need. I just can’t throw them out. haha! I’d love to try your method, Sharon. What an inspiration! Thanks.

Elizabeth Dusek
Elizabeth Dusek

May 23, 2021

I love your scrappy baskets! The quilt is so lovely 😊

Anna Giberson
Anna Giberson

May 23, 2021

Sharon, wish you were closer, I have about a million triangles if donate. Thanks for all you do to help us p.s. do you have a pattern for a 2 3/4" leaf? I am so not an artist. Just downloaded my copy of the 15 page applique instruction pages. Anna

Anna Giberson
Anna Giberson

May 23, 2021

Sharon, wish you were closer, I have about a million triangles if donate. Thanks for all you do to help us Anna

Sandy Bedggood
Sandy Bedggood

May 23, 2021

Well I actually don’t keep scraps but this blog was so inspirational I’m going to start keeping them now. And what a good hint, sorting them into light and dark not by colour.

Joy Wyatt
Joy Wyatt

May 23, 2021

What a great idea, love 1/2 square triangles but get bogged down with tooo many ideas on how to use them.
Having your pattern on hand would be so useful.

Regards Joy.

Eleanor K Hunzinger
Eleanor K Hunzinger

May 23, 2021

Beautiful baskets Sharon! I could give tham a good home!

Debra Gutenson
Debra Gutenson

May 23, 2021

I’ve been sewing my leftover triangles from flip and stitch blocks on the last quilt I made. They’re tiny, will finish at 1 inch. I love the look of your scrappy basket!

Barbara Hughes
Barbara Hughes

May 23, 2021

I save all my scraps, and think the idea of sorting them into light and dark makes a lot of sense. I have been using scraps to make several applique quilts, one being my Dear Jane quilt. It is fascinating what you can make with so little new fabric added into the stash. I would love to own this scrappy basket quilt pattern.

Sharon  Palmer
Sharon Palmer

May 23, 2021

Would love to snuggle with this.


May 23, 2021

I don’t like to keep scraps as I have a very small sewing space. I give my scraps to my sewing friends and they usually make yo yo’s with them.

Cheryl van wijk
Cheryl van wijk

May 23, 2021

I have to dig into my scrap bag 😁😁 love your patterns Sharon and your easy to follow tutorials, xx


May 23, 2021

Most time my scraps get put into bags to go through for other projects. I have recently started putting baskets for different sizes, hopefully use them more.


May 23, 2021

I do leaders and lenders all the time. I have some now I am sewing together to make my granddaughter a doll quilt and pillow for her doll quilt.

Kathy Willis
Kathy Willis

May 23, 2021

I save all triangles, rectangles and squares in jars. Any scrap that is at least 1and 1/4 inch is useable, and I can’t bear to throw them away. Depending on my mood, I’ll sew 9 patches together with triangle units or rectangles with hexagon pieces, then keep building on as I go. My favorite type quilt is the simple 9 patch, but it’s fun to make block units and add slightly bigger plain areas on so I can incorporate applique into the project. I don’t worry about all the odd sizes in a unit – I just start laying out sections on the design wall, knowing I can connect things together with more scrap pieces. There’s no plan in mind, so it’s very freeing to see what evolves. Usually I’m a very “by the book” sewer, but when I just use scraps, it frees me to experiment with color and design, and I most always end up loving the result. Unfortunately for me, that means my friends and family like them too, and I end up giving the quilts away. But that’s okay too!

Doris Jablonski
Doris Jablonski

May 23, 2021

I love your basket pattern you’re using for all the HST rescues. Going to be an awesome quilt.

Bonnie Onofre
Bonnie Onofre

May 23, 2021

You are amazing and so creative…just love your patterns!


May 23, 2021

Currently my scraps go into crumb-type projects. I would love to use them in a more organized manner but I haven’t found the perfect pattern? yet.

Elizabeth Lee
Elizabeth Lee

May 23, 2021

I’m going to try to make a scrappy quilt of just left overs. Wish me luck!

Deborah Grisanti
Deborah Grisanti

May 23, 2021

Basket quilts are the best!!!!! Thank you for the opportunity to win the pattern.

Carol Graeber
Carol Graeber

May 23, 2021

What a wonderful gesture to give away this beautiful scrap quilt! I always struggle with putting colors together and doing scrap is my go to. Thanks


May 23, 2021

Nice to see a gorgeous new quilt Sharon. I love the soft autumnal colours of your scrappy basket quilt. I have just bought a Singer Featherweight and that could be the perfect pattern to stitch on it as my first big project. As always your blog photos bring a smile and I love the kitty cat Benny keeping you company.

Meloney J Funk
Meloney J Funk

May 23, 2021

I love using those bonus triangles. I’ve made an ocean waves quilt and have a project going where I have the center done using 2.5" bonus HST (all scrappy), Now the next border is using 2" HST. It seems I don’t have many of them leftover and I don’t want to recut my 2.5" HSTs, so this is taking longer than I like. The outside border will be using 1.5" bonus HST. I have lots of them. So, I’ll have to figure something out how to get the 2" HST to make them.

Beth T.
Beth T.

May 23, 2021

So many ways to use scraps! I make log cabins, and scrappy hst quilts. I make “braid” quilts and table runners. I do improv quilts and make little mug rugs. I love scraps.

Nancy Waycott
Nancy Waycott

May 23, 2021

All the quilts I have seen on your site are very pleasing to the eye, especially when a cat is snuggled on one.

Kathleen Lane
Kathleen Lane

May 23, 2021

What a great way to organize leftover pieces! I love your finished quilt!


May 23, 2021

I absolutely love this idea. Thank you soooo much. Baskets are one of my favorites. I would cherish this pattern. Thank you for your geneeosity with all the tips.

Patsy Pirnat
Patsy Pirnat

May 23, 2021

We have just combined ours together and make a cancer quilt for a friend.

Ann West
Ann West

May 23, 2021

I love the scrappy basket quilt! It looks so warm, cozy, and snuggly! I must incorporate your idea of pairing triangles together, sewing them, and storing them by light, dark, and mixed. All sizes – then you can pull them out to do a project and cut them to your size. That will really save a lot of time when doing scrappy projects. Thanks for your suggestion.

Robin Schlager
Robin Schlager

May 23, 2021

I have all my scraps in a basket. I will cut them all into 2” squares and make 9’patches. Then take a odd color like lime green or bright yellow and use that color for sashing.
But , is I love your baskets too! Hmmmmm

Karen A.
Karen A.

May 23, 2021

I have piles of scraps made into half square triangles just waiting for a project. Love scrappy quilts

Carol Gouveia
Carol Gouveia

May 23, 2021

I make a few miniature quilts but I enjoy making string quilts. At the moment I could use a pattern that calls for a large variety of scraps. Most of them are civil war fabrics. Would put the pattern to good use. I think your quilts are all very beautiful.

Judy M.
Judy M.

May 23, 2021

I am saving my scraps to use in a quilt when I have enough that go together. I’m separating according to color. We’ll see where they go after that.

M.J. Hargreaves
M.J. Hargreaves

May 23, 2021

‘Basket’ quilts are one of my top three favourite patterns. I’m a bit of a miser and love the chance to use scraps as well! So incorporating both is win-win! Keep the creative motivation coming, Sharon!

Fran Bianchi
Fran Bianchi

May 23, 2021

I struggle with very scrappy quilts, my preference is organized scrap quilts. I think your tip about sorting fabrics by lights and darks instead of by color will help me in the future.

Joanne Sorrentino
Joanne Sorrentino

May 23, 2021

Love the little helper in the photos! Your quilts are so homey, and beautiful quilting of course.

Lois Oberg
Lois Oberg

May 23, 2021

I love your Scrap Basket Pattern. A basket quilt is on my bucket list so this just might be the perfect one to make!!!

Kaye Temanson
Kaye Temanson

May 23, 2021

I’ve been using up scraps in a couple of Jen Kingwell patterns. Just randomly grab a piece and go. No pressure and the quilt looks fine.

Ruth Vogt
Ruth Vogt

May 23, 2021

Love all you patterns. The material you pick is allsome

Cindy Brown
Cindy Brown

May 23, 2021

I love scrappy quilts, but using my own scraps makes a quilt come out not so scrappy.

However, using someone else’s scraps is a great way to break loose from the “box” of my favorite colors (blue, green, yellow) and increase my color palate.

Donna Tierney
Donna Tierney

May 23, 2021

How lovely! Such fun

Paula Abay
Paula Abay

May 23, 2021

I’ve been storing my scraps for a while now but haven’t used them yet. I love how your scrappy quilt turned out! This would be a great pattern to use plus I love basket quilts!😁

Cindy Strauss
Cindy Strauss

May 23, 2021

I love, love your basket quilt. I also think Benny the car is adorable.

Liz Williams
Liz Williams

May 23, 2021

Love how you used the scrappy but yet there is a calmness to the quilt…


May 23, 2021

J’adore vos modèles de courtepointe. Originaux et pleins de fraîcheur. Bravo

Patti Levine
Patti Levine

May 23, 2021

I have a basket that I keep all my scraps in. I dig in there when I need just that right little piece for a project. I also use them for my mini quilts…nothing goes to waste and I just love the look!

Marilyn Fraser
Marilyn Fraser

May 23, 2021

I love this scrappy quilt design. All of your designs are pleasing to the eye.


May 23, 2021

I’m such a fan of your quilt patterns and especially your fabric choices. Those choices produce beautiful scraps. 😉 I love the baskets set on point and the use of different fabrics for the setting triangles. It gives it a very vintage look.

Patricia Buss
Patricia Buss

May 23, 2021

I like your “organized chaos” method. ;) It’s such a great way to use up those scraps! Plus, I love the striped sashing…wouldn’t have ever thought to use the red that way! Thanks for sharing!!
Pat in Texas


May 23, 2021

I absolutely love scrap patterns. I have been trying to tame them in my sewing room, and I am looking forward to seeing how they look in my new quilt. Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful quilt pattern.

Barbara S Rogers
Barbara S Rogers

May 23, 2021

Your idea for making half square triangles was just what I needed to motivate me! Thank you for your patterns. I love them.

Shaun Dickison
Shaun Dickison

May 23, 2021

I love scrap quilts and save all but the smallest pieces. I use my scraps in small quilts, for appliqué and other projects. I love your Scrap Baskets quilt and like you, have a stash of 1/2 square triangles left over from older projects.

Chris Day
Chris Day

May 23, 2021

I absolutely love scrap quilts. This is a great idea for all the pieces or HST I have.


May 23, 2021

I save them and use them in miniature quilts.

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