Spray Starch Applique Technique
This is the technique I use the most. This applique technique creates an exact applique shape. The freezer paper templates can be used several times over, there is no need to make several templates of the same shape. As with other applique techniques be aware of shapes needing to be reversed and make your templates accordingly. This applique technique has no added stabilizers or adhesives, your quilt is left soft and natural.

Applique Block using Spray Starch Applique Technique to create the center flower.
Use two layers of freezer paper, ironed together with shinny side facing down to create your templates. Draw applique shapes onto freezer paper and cut on the drawn line with scissors making sure edges are smooth. The accuracy of the cut templates will define the look of your applique shape.
Iron your freezer paper template with shiny side down onto to the wrong side of your chosen fabric. Trim a seam allowance approx 1/8 - 1/4 inch wide. Although this flower has no underlying parts you will come across shapes that lay underneath other applique shares. Mark shapes where applique pieces lay underneath other applique shapes and cut a seam allowance on underlying parts also. Clip inner curves, clip leaving two or three threads. Do not clip right up to the paper template. You may need more then one clip depending how sharp the curve is. Do not clip outer curves. Spray starch into a little dish and apply Spray Starch with an applicator of choice to seam allowance. ie: Paint brush etc
Use a pointed tool such as a pointed tailors awl or similar tool and a small iron. Use the tailors awl the hold the seam allowance in place while following with the iron to dry the starch.
After all the seams have been turned and the starch has been dried in place with the iron this is what your shape will look like from the back. Gently remove the freezer paper and your turned edges will stay in place.
Turn your shape over to reveal your finished applique shape. Baste your applique shapes in place on your background fabric using water soluble fabric basting glue.
Stitch in place by hand or machine.