Sewing Flying Geese method four at a time | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Sewing Flying Geese method four at a time

April 27, 2022

Flying Geese four at a time | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Flying Geese blocks four at a time, this is a great method to use. There are many traditional blocks that use four flying geese units, Sawtooth star blocks are one of them. 

While making the Adelicia Sampler Quilt I have been asked to show how I sew them, so here is how I go about sewing Flying Geese using this method.

Flying Geese four at a time | Sharon Keightley Quilts

This method starts with squares, I like to make mine a little larger so I can trim the flying geese units to the correct size when they are made.

In this case I am making units that will measure 2 1/2 inches wide x 1 1/2 inches high when trimmed. So I cut one green print square 3 1/2 inches x 3 1/2 inches and four light print squares are cut 2 1/8 inches x 2 1/8 inches. For a scrappy look you can use different fabrics for each of the four light print squares.

Sewing Flying Geese four at a time | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Draw a line from corner to corner on the diagonal on the wrong side of all four light print squares. Then pin two light print squares onto the larger green print square. Making sure all the edges are aligned, the light print squares will overlap in the center, so make sure the drawn line lines up on both squares. I like to pin the squares in place as you can see in the photo below. Pinning this way keeps the pins out of the way while I sew and keeps the fabrics from moving out of alignment.

Sewing Flying Geese four at a time | Sharon Keightley Quilts

I then sew a 1/4 inch seam allowance on each side of the drawn line. Aligning my 1/4 inch foot along the drawn line.

Sewing Flying Geese four at a time | Sharon Keightley Quilts

I cut on the drawn line to make two units. They look a little odd at this stage, but that's all part of the magic.

Sewing Flying Geese four at a time | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Press the towards the light print squares.

Sewing Flying Geese four at a time | Sharon Keightley Quilts

On both units add a light print square to each unit, again aligning the edges and pinning in place.

Sewing Flying Geese four at a time | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Sew each unit with a 1/4 inch seam allowance along each side of the drawn line.

Sewing Flying Geese four at a time | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Cut the unit apart on the drawn line, press towards the light print fabric to make all four flying geese units.

Sewing Flying Geese four at a time | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Trim your blocks to size. I am using a block lock ruler, these are very handy but if you do not have one you can trim the blocks with your normal quilting rulers.

Sewing Flying Geese four at a time | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Below is a selection of scrappy flying geese blocks I have been making for the border of my sons quilt. You can read more about that and how I made them in my next up and coming blog post.

Sewing Flying Geese four at a time | Sharon Keightley Quilts

I hope this was helpful to you, it's always a pleasure to share. 

Happy Sewing


You can find the blocks here for the Adelicia Sampler Quilt

Adelicia Sampler Quilt

Please share this post with your quilting friends, the more the merrier as they say. 

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Sharon Keightley Quitls  Autumn Bouquet Book | Sharon Keightley Quilts

You can find more of my Quilty Ramblings blog posts on all things quilting here

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