This week my focus has been to progress and hopefully finish the borders for the Winterwood Quilt. The Winterwood Quilt was put aside so I could finish off some of my works in progress, and a bit of piecing fun. I find it is always good to have a balance between applique and piecing. After all variety is the spice of life !
Take a look at my progress so far......
Cutting out and turning the edges of all the applique pieces for the border.
Stitching them all to the background fabric invisibly by machine.
You may notice I use flower head pins to secure the applique pieces. I like to use pins, this helps when an applique piece needs to be readjusted before stitching in place.
I now have all my blocks sewn together, with the borders pinned in place on the design wall to take a look at how it's coming along. The top border still need applique pieces added but you get the general idea. My sewing room is small and my design wall is not quite big enough for a quilt this size. Not complaining......
I am looking forward to finishing the Winterwood quilt top.
This is the latest block six you can find it here.
Happy Stitching
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Hi Sharon, The quilt top is even more beautiful than I thought it would be. Congratulations on another super design and almost finish. More power to you girl! You rock! Kay H
This quilt is coming together wonderfully. It’s really interesting and useful to see the methods you use – I’ll be trying machine applique when I have a bit more time at the machine, but for now I’m a slow hand sewer as I find it so relaxing. I love this quilt – I am aiming to make it when I’ve finished the rambling ways quilt , and I’m already pondering what colours to use….
Thank you for sharing your making journey
How to press a Flying Geese Border ? This is the question I was asked so I have done my best to answer as it is not exactly what you might be expecting to see. Read more to see how I pressed the seams to get nice flat intersections.
Making four Flying Geese units at a time is a great time saver, and a wonderful method. I love to oversize the units and trim them down to the correct size for perfect blocks. Read how I go about making these versatile units that I use in almost every quilt I make.
Susan Nixon
May 07, 2017
It looks so lovely! I’m hand stitching Rambling Ways, very slowly on first pieces for first block. I got frustrated with the freezer paper and am going back to needle turn. I think I get smoother edges. We’ll see. I may yet find some combination of ingredients that makes mine look as nice as yours.