Star Cushion
January 12, 2013
Hello Everyone
I can't believe how fast the days are speeding along. The heat is making me drowsy and working in my sewing room is hot work, but I have been beavering away at my projects and have pictures to share with you.
In my last post I showed you a picture of my hand pieced star blocks, I had appliqued them onto a background fabric and then reversed appliqued a circle around them. This is not a new thing and I have seen many old quilts and also some new quilts done with this design. I needed a new cushion, so decided to make them into one. I have finished quilting the top and trying to find some time to sew the back on a finish it off.

Sorry about the crooked photo, I hope you can get an idea of how it looks, I have done three star blocks in each of the three rows and pleased with the outcome.
I have quilted it with a simple design that has worked out effective, very cute. I did three loops in between each star blade. Here is a closer look.

I then did a daisy, or that's what I call it, in the intersection where the blocks meet. Simple but effective.
With the left over stars that I have hand pieced, I am stressing the hand piecing as this is the first project I have ever hand pieced. Apart from a log cabin cushion back in the 80's which totally put me off patchwork for a while I might add.
I am not sure if I am hooked on it but I did enjoy doing this and of course now I have as usual jumped in at the deep end and started hand piecing my Dear Jane quilt. What the chances are of me ever finishing it I am not so sure. However please don't think I never do anything by hand as I love hand applique and have completed my fair share of hand quilted quilts. I have digressed and have
more pictures for you. Getting back to the stars, I have decided to keep going and have been sourcing a fabric to use as a background diamond in between each star. I have a few choices and at the moment I am favoring the Pink print, or maybe the Red and Pink print, maybe you could help me make up my mind. I would love your suggestions.
Whats your choice?

Red and White Print

Red and Pink Print

Pink Print

Grey Print
This has been a fun project, in between the projects that I call work ( haha ) how can doing something you love ever be work.
Until next time
Happy Stitching
2 Responses
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Val Cartwright
August 03, 2016
Definitely the red and pink print for me Sharon. Second the grey, but with livelier colours for the stars. Of course I know a lot about quilting, so this is all tongue in cheek.