Spring Time Fun | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Spring Time Fun

August 07, 2012 3 Comments

Hello Everyone Spring has arrived, there is heavy pollen in the air and on the trees. We have lambs that Rosie adores, she spends hours playing with them much to their mothers disgust. I am constantly washing her muddy paws as she comes running in all excited about her playmates. My Old Horse Dobbin also has a close friend, he is so lovely even shares his dinner. He really takes good care of this sheep and her twin lambs pictured above. She is also very partial to my garden which is not going to earn her any brownie points with me, although Rosie is very happy about having the twins close by to play with. Inspiration for quilts is everywhere, I find my garden a never ending source. The color of these Sweet Williams is enough to send me racing into my sewing room to find the perfect fabric. I love blending greens as we see so many colors of green in nature. Leaves comes in all different shapes and sizes, but blend together next to each other. Every Year this lovely Magnolia tree, which my Mum always called a Tulip tree, inspires designs and flower shapes for my applique. My Breath of Spring Quilt was made with this tree and the thought of spring in mind. You can also see where the leaf shape came from. The stars in this quilt represent the wonderful star studded night sky's on a clear spring night. This blue hydrangea picture taken in my garden is the inspiration for the quilt I am currently working on. I will be placing pictures of the quilt when I can, as this quilt is going to be in the Australian Patchwork and Quilting Magazine in January next year. I have three other quilts in the Australian Patchwork and Quilting magazine that are being published over the next few months. I will place further details of the issue dates etc when I can. I love to hear from you and read your comments. I hope I have inspired you, and encouraged you to use nature for your inspiration. I will leave you with this lovely photo my husband took of the Tui that lives in our garden. Happy Stitching   Sharon

3 Responses


August 03, 2016

Oh it sure is a lot of fun! I always see to it my kids enjoy this time of the year. I take them on sprees and on my father’s farm to help take care of the animals.


August 03, 2016

What great photos Sharon. I love the little Lambs. Fantastic photo of the Tui. I had to smile when I read that your Mother always called the Magnolia Tulip Trees, ’cause I do too. Mum and Dad had one in their garden which I always loved, so, I now have two miniatures as a reminder.


August 03, 2016

Great photos Sharon. Love the garden and the Tui. Amazing what a good camera can do.

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