Melbourne Quilt Convention | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Melbourne Quilt Convention

December 02, 2011 2 Comments

Hi I have finally recovered after being over in Melbourne. We were booked to fly home on the 12.00pm flight which would have been bad enough but it was delayed two hours so we did not leave Melbourne airport until 2.00am, then arrived in Auckland at 7am NZ time. By the time I got home it was 9am. I slept most of the day away, and it was all worth it as we had a great time. Unfortunately I was not able to take any pictures of the stand as they have a no photo policy. It was such a thrill to see my quilt hanging there and hear the comments. ( haha ) I have also been able to bring my quilt home so will bring it along to sew in day in January, if you are not all over me raving on about it. I had a good time chatting with all the designers etc, going to the workshops and finding out about all the new things coming out next year. There were allot of stitchery quilts there so all you girls who love stitchery there are some lovely quilts and small items to look forward to. As those who know me know I love gadgets, so I had loads of fun looking at all the new gadgets coming on the market and of course I just had to bring some home with me to try. Here are some pictures for all you gadget lovers to drool over. [caption id="attachment_675" align="alignleft" width="300"] Why did I not think of this[/caption]                       This is a Quick Unpick. It has a cool magnifying glass and a light. When you have to unpick as much as I do this makes life so much easier. I have already had to use it and it works great. [caption id="attachment_676" align="alignleft" width="300"] And there is more[/caption]                       Here is another great gadget, Tweezers with a magnifying glass and a light. These are awesome. [caption id="attachment_677" align="alignleft" width="300"] This one my Husband has claimed[/caption]                       This is fantastic, when you use small needles in the machine and you can't use the threader like I do. This is great. My Husband really wants this also, as he said he could use it at work. ( does he really think I am willing to share ) I can see I will have to get him one for xmas. [caption id="attachment_678" align="alignleft" width="300"] Loki is not amused[/caption]                       Of course Loki was not happy about me being away and is trying to look the other way and pretend he is not interested in my show and tell. I also have a few pics of the beautiful old building. The Flinders Street Railway Station. I could'nt resist.                                                                 This is the view I had from my sewing room window the day before I went away. Our power was off for 24 hours.                       At least I will not have to worry about power cuts for a while now. I hope you all enjoyed my pictures.   Happy Stitching Sharon

2 Responses


August 03, 2016

Isn’t it fun I went with my boss a couple of years ago and had a ball!! I loved meeting the designers, seeing the new designs hot off the press. Your cat is like mine, can’t help themselves!


August 03, 2016

Hi Leeanne
Thanks for the comment.
Yes Great Fun.

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