Blocks for Scrap Quilts | Sharon Keightley Quilts

Blocks for Scrap Quilts

March 13, 2012 1 Comment

Hello Everyone With the weather getting cooler outside it has been lovely to sit and sew. My scrap bag is growing and needs to be thinned out, I have a great plan for a scrap quilt and have been playing around with the Pineapple block. I have found a great way to piece these little beauties without having to foundation piece them. I have cut all my strips and I am off to a good start, I am deciding on whether to make the colour random or have some organization to it. I always seem to go with organized colour, must be the control freak coming out in me. I think it would be nice to try and do something more random with this one as you never know whats going to pop up in the scrap bag, and I don't want to leave any to die for fabric scraps behind. Take a look at my first block. It is so easy with the strips and not having to worry about taking the paper out after you have finished your block.   Beware this could become an obsession. Happy Stitching Sharon

1 Response


August 03, 2016

Looking good.

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Also in Sharon Keightley Quilts - Quilty Ramblings

Making Vines for Adelicia Sampler Quilt Tutorial
Making Vines for Adelicia Sampler Quilt Tutorial

June 28, 2022 1 Comment

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Sewing Flying Geese Borders
Sewing Flying Geese Borders

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Sewing Flying Geese method four at a time
Sewing Flying Geese method four at a time

April 27, 2022

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